How big is too big when it comes to the gaps…

How big is too big when it comes to the gaps…

Chris, You provide great information in response to questions.  I’m hoping you can help me with one I have.  We just had a frameless shower installed.  All walls are tile, the curb is solid granite.  The glass is 1/2 inch with one panel fixed on top of a half wall and the other panel is…

Clear Plastic Edge Seals on Frameless Shower Enclosures

Clear Plastic Edge Seals on Frameless Shower Enclosures

Hi Chris, We are having a frameless shower door installed soon. The installer came to measure the dimensions of the shower, which are 36 x 28 x 36 with the shower door opening in the middle. The installer said that we have to have a header on the top because the door opens in the…

RE: My new frameless shower door is pulling the marble away from the wall!

Hi Chris, My 3 piece L shape frameless shower was installed about a month ago and the original installer had a bit of trouble lining up the top corner of the L in the two glass pieces that came together above garden tub ledge and 6″ wide piece on front.  He also cut his hand…